Ensure the washroom of your caravan or motorhome remains impeccably clean with Thetford’s rinse and toilet bowl products, designed for ease of use and compatibility with all cassette and portable toilets. This comprehensive guide provides clear insights into the essentials required to prolong the lifespan of your caravan’s or motorhome’s washroom, making maintenance easy and effective.
Flush water products

Aqua Rinse Concentrated
For vehicles with a separate flush water tank, you can use Aqua Rinse Concentrated to treat the flush water and keep the tank in good condition. The fluid prevents limescale build-up in the tank and ensures a more effective and smoother flush. Simply add the indicated dose to the flush water tank and add fresh water. Follow the instructions on the label for the proper dosing.

Aqua Rinse Spray
Aqua Rinse Spray has been developed for caravans or motorhomes with a cassette toilet directly connected to the fresh water tank. In such configurations, adding Aqua Rinse Concentrated to the flush water isn’t feasible, making Aqua Rinse Spray invaluable. This spray forms a protective layer in the toilet bowl, ensuring a smoother flush and preventing skid marks. For best results and water conservation, spray before and after each toilet use.
Toilet and bathroom cleaners

Bathroom Cleaner
Household detergents are too abrasive for plastic surfaces. Therefore, use the enhanced Thetford Bathroom Cleaner to clean the exterior of your mobile toilet and bathroom in your caravan and motorhome. It’s specially developed for plastic surfaces and features a nature-based formula. For a glossy finish, wipe the surface down with a soft, dry cloth.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner
For a hygienic and clean finish, treat the toilet bowl regularly with Thetford’s Toilet Bowl Cleaner. The application is safe for both plastic and ceramic materials. It removes hard water and soil deposits in the toilet bowl, and coats the bowl with a protective layer.

Aqua Soft toilet paper
Thetford Aqua Soft toilet paper dissolves quickly and prevents clogging in the tank. This makes it easier to discharge the waste-holding tank and it prevents malfunctions or damage to (parts of) the tank.