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thetford separation toilet and separation kit

Thetford introduces next level separation kits and toilets! For the Thetford C220 and the C260

Sanitation trend

There is a dedicated group of end-users seeking water-free and additive-free sanitation solutions. This is even though the current standard cassette toilets use very little water (5% of what we use at home) and minimal additives (compared to the cleaning agents and toilet blocks at home). Norbert van Noesel, Marketing Manager at Thetford: “Of course we follow all sanitation trends in general and the separation toilet systems specifically. In addition, we test all systems offered on the market in our lab. We were not convinced by the convenience and hygiene of the current offering. As a sanitation market leader we believe it is time to bring the concept of separation toilets to a next level.”


Hygiene and convenience

According to Van Noesel, MiiOS, a respected RV-specialised German research agency, revealed that 85% of RV users actively use their RV toilet and claim the toilet system has a large influence on their vehicle choice. Hygiene ranks as the foremost product consideration, followed by convenience, with sustainability also recognised as crucial, though prioritsed after hygiene and convenience. This shows that, while sustanability is important, addressing hygiene and convenience must take priority. What’s more, the research shows a willingness to adapt changes in sanitation systems. The reasons for a specific target group to consider moving towards diverting toilets are the perception of environmental friendliness and flexibility of disposal. However, overall, and specifically regarding hygiene and convenience, separation toilet users are less satisfied compared to cassette toilet users. Van Noesel: “To put it simple, there is a certain interest but the concept needs improvement. And that is where Thetford steps in.”
Thetford separation toilet kit

Separation Kit (SK C220 or SK C260) and full Separation Toilet (S220 or S260)

Thetford will launch both a Separation Kit (SK-series) as well as a complete Separation Toilet (S-series), based on the Thetford C220 and C260 S-version and CS-version models. These models, without an integrated water tank, represent over 2,5 million installed cassette toilets in the European market. The SK C220 and SK C260, will transform the cassette toilet to a separation toilet in an easy way. The full S220 and S260 has to be installed by OEMs or self-builders, or can be used as a replacement for the Thetford C220 and C260 S-version and CS-version models.

Watch the Separation Kit in action

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Thetford separation toilet

Full swivel bowl replacement

Van Noesel: “In line with the results of the MiiOS research, our team worked hard to improve the hygienic experience, both during use and during the discharging process. In the bathroom, there will be no visual contact with the waste, and bad odours will be eliminated from the bathroom by an optional active vent and filter. From a convenience point of view, the SK-series and S-series include unique aspects such as a level indicator for the liquids, an ergonomically larger bowl, and an integrated manual valve to cover the solids and to prevent liquids mixing with solid waste. In all installations, the toilets can be positioned in any 180° angle. In addition, the experience while discharging the liquids is improved with a practical 9L liquid tank. The SK-series stands out even more from the competition. Next to the inner components, we will also replace the complete bowl, ensuring that installation is straightforward.’’ Thetford will share technical details at a later stage. Both the SK-series and the S-series will be available to the market from October 2025.
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